Niche ebooks

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Traffic & Rankings: 9 Steps To Marketing Success

Traffic is one of the most important aspect in any online business.
Without it, your business would be in great danger.
So, read this article thoroughly and understand the concept :)

Traffic & Rankings: 9 Steps To Marketing Success by Marige OBrien

It is universally understood among experienced marketers that traffic is the key to online success. Build enough traffic and the law of averages demands it. Traffic is GOLD online. It is the "Holy Grail" of online marketing. However, novice and mid-level marketers often fail to see the actual mechanics of this-- and continue to be frustrated by the lack of results, even as they hand the traffic they work so hard to generate over to someone else. You see, like gold, many will "divert" traffic from others, especially from novice marketers. They do this so smoothly that many go for years without ever realizing this is happening.

For instance, many affiliate programs "give" a marketer "their own" page. But this isn't really the marketer's-- because it resides on the company's site. So, when the affiliate markets, all their efforts are going to the program-- not the marketer! And this is only the most common example.

Ever wonder why so many blogs are free? Why so MANY services are free?... leads, forums, you-name-it, are given away for "free?" One word: TRAFFIC. in order to use the freebies, the user must visit THAT site. Even free online games are just a way to pull traffic to a site. Because the more traffic, the higher the ranking. And high enough rankings put a site on the first page of any search engine.

Understand one key element: A site can have one, completely unrelated, unconnected add-on page. If that ONE PAGE is hot, the whole site benefits from the traffic/ranking boost. This explains more than all the SEO information combined; why some sites are consistently at the top of seaches while others struggle to get onto page two.

So, how can the average marketer REALLY pull in massive traffic? How can someone, on a limited budget and with little technical expertise, benefit from this? There IS a way, if you follow these steps.


To begin focusing efforts, a point of origin must be established. In other words, a marketer must create some kind of website of their own to establish a PRESENCE on the internet.

If this seems daunting, because of technical and budgetary issues, understand that a blog is just as much a recognized presence on the internet as any other type of site. In fact, a blog is the ideal solution for newbies (such as blogger-dot-com) because they are free and highly user-friendly.


However, to avoid being designated as a "splog" (blogs that are ONLY used for advertising and generally panned by "respectable" bloggers) a certain amount of real content must be created. It is best to set up a real blog, add to it regularly, and include a side-bar where links can be added. With real content -- such as reviews of various products or other articles relevant to the products -- this saves it from that nasty designation.


Choose a blog that allows template editing. Many even include instructions for adding links within the template inside of "comment" tags. Look for them. Then simply add all the links to each affiliate or other referral.


Change all marketing/advertising efforts to point to that website/blog. No matter which link the advertisement is for, set it up to link to this site first. By doing so, the increased traffic will build ranking and that will push THE SITE up on the search engines.


Offering a free give away of some kind will draw traffic like nothing else. Whether it's a newsletter, a contest or a combination of things, free is everyone's favorite price. While a blog is somewhat limited in this respect, there are still plenty of options.


The site itself can also become an attraction, if the content is continuously updated (i.e., once or more a day) and kept active. The more visits and re-visits, the faster ranking will build. It also offers another way to advertise everything-- because the content ITSELF becomes something to advertise.

NOTE: At this point, it is realistic to expect a ranking of 4/10 or higher. Also, until this point, all of this has been possible with a blog. Beyond this point, however, a completely independent site is needed.

If a blog has been used until this time, part of preparation for the next step should include transferring everything within the blog TO the website. BUT, in order to benefit from the traffic/ranking built to this point, rather than simply abandoning the blog, re-direct everything (via links) to the new site.


At this point, a certain amount of basic programming (html, if nothing else) should have been learned. If not, it's time. There are online resourses -- from courses to forums -- for each type of language-- html, java script, php and each is relatively easy to learn, even for a non-geek.


Now it's time to offer something that is substantial because this will bring significant traffic-- remember? The Holy Grail. A unique forum, dating service, shareware, game site, homepage that has all of these, etc. Find and offer something that brings in major traffic. By the way, porn and gambling sites are NOT a good idea, as will be clear in the next step.

Ideally, find something related to the general site content, though unrelated content still pulls traffic in. But, by making it relevant, cross-links can be direct.


Now focus all marketing on the major free offering. Take good care of it and monitor it to be sure it's running smoothly. It is your diva, your shining star-- and it will draw the traffic in. Never mind that your links and affiliates are different pages. The fact that they reside on the same site pushes all the pages up just as much as the rest of the site.

If all these steps are followed carefully, at this point, traffic should be translating into real dollars and cents-- and, probably, more dollars THAN cents! If not, revisit each step and look for oversights and errors. Add a second type of free site, something new and popular.

The best result is that the marketer is NOT dependent on the affiliate programs, and can change those as they see fit. They can also look forward to a time when actually marketing is unnecessary-- the site markets itself. All that's needed is to keep up the attractions.--mo

Marige O'Brien works as a writer, web designer and Internet Marketer. Visit her Website, Tracker Mo's Den for her latest recommendations in i-marketing tools and biz opps. Sign up for her free, 100% original, weekly newsletter, Tracker Mo's Report.

Article Source: 100% Free Article Directory at

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Boost Your Bottom Line with a Power-Packed Headline

This article explains one of the important aspect in getting your ebook out of the virtual book shelf :)
Enjoy reading and good luck with your ebook creation.

Boost Your Bottom Line with a Power-Packed Headline by Allyn

There’s an old saying… curiosity killed the cat. Let’s face the facts; cats aren’t the only creatures that get sucked into whirlpool of curiosity. Everyday we find ourselves bombarded with moments of curiosity. The best example… headlines!

Headlines either suck us into their vacuum or repel us instantly. How many times have you picked up the newspaper and found yourself scanning the pages because a headline caught your attention?

Marketing experts know that headlines are just as powerful in their direct mail campaigns as they are on the front page of the newspaper. The difference? …attention getting headlines on your postcard or flyer make money!

What does it take to create powerful headlines?

3 Foolproof Secrets for Creating Power-Packed Headlines

1. Telegraph the Offer

This might be a little tricky to pull off, but the secret is to present your offer in a way that screams, “Read Me!” without giving away the guts of the offer. You should focus on one feature of your product or service and come up with a snappy statement that raises the reader’s eyebrows.

A company that sells bread makers may use a headline like this…

“Never Buy Another Loaf of Bread!”

2. Emphasize the best Aspect of the Offer

What is the most attractive feature of your product or service… price, time-saving, quality, uniqueness? You can use this aspect to come up with a unique headline that wows the reader into investigating further.

A cleaning service may use a headline like this…

“What Could you Do With 520 Extra Hours This Year?”

3. Target the Reader

If feels great when your unique niche is recognized. Know who you’re talking to before you write the headline. When your reader feels like you know who they are, they’ll be more likely to read on.

Do you have a mailing list of working women? Use the words they will identify with… career or working woman…. in your headlines.

Use any one of these techniques to increase your profits, or incorporate all three to skyrocket your next direct mail campaign! … not to mention saving big bucks by not having to hire a copywriter.

Who is Allyn Cutts, and why should you care?
Allyn has spent over 24 years helping businesses like yours find new customers and increase sales to current customers. Allyn is a marketing and sales fanatic, providing measurable marketing solutions that drive huge results for small-to mid-size business clients. Allyn works personally with clients to design and deliver off-line and on-line direct marketing strategies that focus on metrics and measurable results. You can learn more about Allyn Cutts at and you can call 610.437.4106 between 10 AM and 4 PM Eastern Time Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Article Source: 100% Free Article Directory at

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

How To Improve Your Lousy Writing Skills In The Workplace

How To Improve Your Lousy Writing Skills In The Workplace by Brian S. Konradt

If there¡¯s one important reason why you need to write effectively in the workplace, it is this: the quality of your writing imprints a lasting impression on the reader. This reader may be your boss, a client, or a person who is ready to make a billion dollar business deal with you.

Have you ever read a poorly-written document that made you lose interest right away? It was so poorly-written that you lost trust in the author and asked yourself why the author was wasting your time? How about those junk e-mails that sneak into your junk box like annoying cockroaches? You know the ones I¡¯m referring to: the ones pitching vitamins, software, and sex aids. These e-mails are the biggest showcase of writing blunders, stricken to death with grammar mistakes, misspellings, and sloppy sentences. I doubt these e-mails pull a sale because their poor writing style immediately alienates the reader.

What impression does your writing leave on your boss, clients, or co-workers? Does your writing alienate readers, cause you to lose sales or clients, or cost you job promotions? Or does your writing build streams of loyal readers, increase sales for the company, and help you earn six figures a year at your job?

Whatever type of writing you do in the workplace, always know this reality: readers believe the quality of your writing reflects your skills, work ethics, and integrity as a person. If you write eloquently, clearly, and lively, the reader trusts you and you are able to build rapport quickly. If your writing is sloppy, disorganized, and riddled with errors, the reader assumes the rest of your work is flawed, your work ethics are flawed, and perhaps as a person you are flawed. Why should this reader waste his time reading the rest of your junk or even do business with you?

This article provides fail-safe strategies to help refine your writing and help you to communicate with clarity, simplicity, and impact so you will never write junk again. You will learn five masterful steps to guide you in planning, writing, and refining an article; and you will learn how to avoid common writing mistakes.


To become a superb writer, your first task is to establish your aim.

Yiddish novelist, dramatist and essayist, Sholem Asch, once said, ¡°Writing comes more easily if you have something to say.¡±

What message do you want to convey with your writing?

To establish your aim, ask yourself:

1) ¡°Why am I writing this document?¡±

2) ¡°What do I want to communicate?¡±

3) ¡°Do I want to inform, educate, report, persuade, challenge, or entertain?¡±

Developing your aim will help you to adopt the best writing style for your reader. For example, an educational document will likely be more formal than one written for entertaining.


To write effectively, you need to connect strongly with your readers. Ask yourself:

1) ¡°For whom am I writing this? Will I be writing for colleagues, my supervisor, my team of employees, or our clients?¡±

2) ¡°How much information do my readers need?¡±

3) ¡°How familiar are my readers with the topic?¡±

4) ¡°How much time do my readers have? Would my readers prefer a short, succinct presentation of facts and statistics, or more narration and exposition?¡±

Knowing your audience will allow you to write content in a way that appeals to your readers.


You know your aim. You know the people who will likely read your document. Now plan your document. What information will it contain? What information will most likely grab the reader and hold their interests? What points do you need to get across? Start with a rough outline of ideas. Then go through the outline and add more information and more detail. An outline will create the structure for your document. Soon enough your writing will come more easily, quickly, and with greater clarity.


At this stage, read over your outline and write the first draft. Establish the main idea of the document and support your argument throughout. If a blank white page glares back at you like headlights, just start writing on whatever topic you know best. According to American novelist Jack London, ¡°You can¡¯t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.¡± Don¡¯t worry about the sequence if the ideas come to you out of order. You can cut and paste later.


If you have time, step away from the document. Come back to it later with a fresh mind. Now add material where needed. Trim away unnecessary sections. Refine the text to communicate what you want to say. Remember: less is more. Try not to repeat ideas. Repetition, unless necessary, is tiresome for the reader. Keep the piece moving along. Use a lively pace. Progress through your points efficiently.

The following sections address some of the most common writing problems. Use these tips to write more clearly, effectively, and lively.


a) Apostrophes

Do not use an apostrophe in the possessive form of ¡°it.¡±

Incorrect: Our department submitted it¡¯s reports for 2005 last week.

Correct: Our department submitted its reports for 2005 last week.

Do not use apostrophes in the possessive forms ¡°his,¡± ¡°hers,¡± and ¡°ours.¡±

Incorrect: The window office is her¡¯s.

Correct: The window office is hers.

Do not use apostrophes in plural nouns.

Incorrect: How many new computer¡¯s are we getting?

Correct: How many new computers are we getting?

b) Commas

Do not connect two complete sentences with a comma.

Incorrect: The meeting was cancelled, I finished my work early.

Correct: The meeting was cancelled, so I finished my work early.

Correct: Since the meeting was cancelled, I finished my work early.


a) Split Infinitives

Do not insert words between ¡°to¡± and the infinitive form of a verb.

Incorrect: I was told we needed to slightly tighten the deadline.

Correct: I was told we needed to tighten the deadline slightly.


a) ¡°A lot¡± is always two words.

Incorrect: I have alot of work to do.

Correct: I have a lot of work to do.

b) ¡°To¡± is a function word often used before the infinitive form of a verb (to go).

c) ¡°Too¡± is an adverb that means ¡°excessively¡± (too difficult).

d) ¡°Two¡± denotes the number 2.

Incorrect: This file cabinet is to heavy for me to move.

Correct: This file cabinet is too heavy for me to move.

e) ¡°There¡± is an adverb indicating a place (over there).

f) ¡°Their¡± is a possessive word that shows ownership (their computers).

g) ¡°They¡¯re¡± is the contraction form of ¡°they are.¡±

Incorrect: There results for this quarter were excellent.

Correct: Their results for this quarter were excellent.

Incorrect: Their working very hard today.

Correct: They¡¯re working very hard today.


a) Sentence Variety

To write more lively, vary sentence structure. Use alternate ways of beginning, and combine short sentences to create different sentence lengths.


I organized the files for all the new accounts this week. Then I created a more efficient labeling system. I color-coded everything. I made sure all paper files had been documented electronically. I put these files in the empty file cabinet.


This week I organized the files for the new accounts and created a more efficient color-coded labeling system. After I documented all paper files electronically, I put these files in the empty file cabinet.


The English language has two "voices": active voice (the subject performs an action); and passive voice (the subject is acted upon). In business communication, all good writers write in active voice. Lazy writers write in passive voice. Writing in active voice shortens your sentences and makes your writing sound more direct and formal.


PASSIVE: The recipe book is read by her.

ACTIVE: She reads the recipe book.

PASSIVE: The radio announcement should be listened to by everyone.

ACTIVE: Everyone should listen to the radio announcement.

PASSIVE: The photo is being taken by the photographer.

ACTIVE: The photographer is taking the photo.


To learn more about fixing common writing mistakes, check out The Electronic Writing Course ( ). It¡¯s a program that teaches the basics of good writing and editing. If you want to check your document against 36,000 style and usage mistakes, check out StyleWriter ( ). It¡¯s a style and usage Plain English checker. If you want to write more lively and creatively, check out WhiteSmoke Software ( ). It¡¯s a program that fixes and enriches your text.

If you follow these guidelines, you¡¯ll stop yourself from writing lousy in the workplace. Your writing will be lively, clear, and concise, and you will build rapport with readers. Perhaps it¡¯s now time to e-mail your boss a perfectly-written e-mail requesting a salary raise?

Brian Konradt has been a professional freelance writer for over ten years. He is founder of ( ) and ( ).

Article Source: 100% Free Article Directory at

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

How to Learn Great Storytelling to Increase Your Conversions

How to Learn Great Storytelling to Increase Your Conversions by Gail Trahd

Stories are so important to good copywriting. It’s one of the aspects of copywriting that can’t be done in a cookie cutter style and therefore isn’t answered by some of the sales letter software available on the market.

Please do not misconstrue that last statement to mean that I don’t think that sales letter software is practical. It’s very practical. It also needs some personal embellishments and that’s where good storytelling is invaluable.

Storytelling draws the reader into the sales letter where they’ll learn all of the practical facts about your product. They’ll learn why your product solves their problem. They’ll learn the benefits of purchasing from you and not your competitor. You will be personal to them because they know more about you through your story.

How can you become a great storyteller? Your first project would be to pay attention to other good storytellers. Analyze how the stories are told. Watch others tell stories.

Do you have a friend who tells great stories? Ask them to tell you a few. Analyze how they are telling them instead of getting caught up in the story itself.

Read good books and good sales letters. Watch for the story within the story in books. You won’t have the advantage of 100 pages to tell your story and sell your product so you want to look for the story within a story in the books.

Watch good movies. Compare and contrast movies whose story is told well with others whose story is told badly. What is different?

Look at comic strips. These are comedians on paper who are forced to tell their story and punch line in just a couple of panels. Compare how the different comic strips are written and tell their story.

Listen to comedians. They tell great stories. Whether you enjoy the story line or not, Everybody Loves Raymond and Seinfeld, are great examples of well-told short stories.

Read your competitors web pages or sign up for their ezines. “Listen” to their stories and how they weave in personal items.

These bits of personality that shine through make the writer more personable. They make it easier for the customer to take out their wallet and spend their money. After all, they are purchasing from someone who seems to understand exactly where they, the customer, is coming from. This product seems to answer all the questions and problems they’ve been having – because it did it for the creator and other customers.

Gail Trahd is an e-book author and owner of She teaches others to research, write, publish & market e-books through her free BookMark It! e-zine. People who request BookMark It! also receive a free report designed to improve their business.

Article Source: 100% Free Article Directory at

Step-By-Step Guide to Writing eBook

Writing information products (eBooks) is one of the most popular ways of starting or developing an online business.

Why? Because the subject range is unlimited as is the angle or perspective you can bring to a subject. Plus, it can cost nothing except your time to create it. Everyone that has a computer has a word processor (even if it's WordPad) and PDF creators can be found for free (PDF is still the best way to distribute eBooks).

That said, it is not always trouble-free. How do you get started and how do you manage if you have never written an eBook before?

Step 1 - Why Are You Writing an eBook?

First, make a list of the reasons you are writing your ebook. Do you want to promote your business? Do you want to bring quality traffic to your website? Do you want to enhance your reputation? All very good reasons but don't make it too obvious. Don't come across as selfish - give something to get something back.

Then write down your goals in terms of publishing. Maybe your going to sell it as a product on your website, or offer it as a free gift or bonus eBook for your main product to increase its value?

Bottom line is, the more you know upfront, the easier the actual writing will be.

Step 2 - Know Your Subject

Next, and most important - write about something you know. This allows you to keep the book flowing, present credibility and shows your readers you have some insight on the subject - and hence maybe something to offer they may not have heard before.

Step 3 - Where to Begin?

Next, the hardest part of writing is - starting. When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. You have to break it down into manageable tasks.

It's no different to anything else in life. Whenever you're faced with a seemingly insurmountable task, there is only one way to approach it. Step-by-Step. Break it down into manageable mini-tasks and see the completion of each one as an achievement to celebrate spur you on. Reward yourself, even if it's only with a break, a coffee or 10 minutes on the games console.

Step 4 - Get Organized

The next thing you have to do is to get organized. First, organize your thoughts. There are some steps you should take before you begin. Go through the following list of issues. When complete, you should be prepared and ready to begin writing your ebook.

Step 5 - Figure out your eBook's working title.

Why? Because it gives you a focal point. Spend time on it, as it is something you should keep coming back to for inspiration. Always make sure you don't deviate from it. Otherwise you'll end up with an eBook where the contents do match the title. Jot down a few different titles, and eventually, you'll find that one that will grow on you. Think honestly about it. Would YOU read it?

Step 6 - Write an Overview

Next, write out a brief overview. Your overview is a short paragraph, maybe two stating exactly what problem you are addressing and how your book will solve that problem.

Once you've got your overview fine-tuned, you've built your foundation. From that point, your eBook will develop, sentence-by-sentence then page-by-page and finally chapter-by-chapter until before you know; it will be finished.

Your overview will keep you focused while you write your ebook. Remember: all chapters must support your overview. If there is a chapter that doesn't fit - delete it. For example, your overview could be something like: We've all experienced a weight problem at times in our lives, but I have discovered fourteen proven methods to help you get the figure you yearn for.

But if this is what you say, you must give fourteen proven methods. If you don't, you lose credibility with your readers and they will be searching for ways to get a refund. At best, you will never sell them a follow-up product. This is where the real money is on the Internet. Repeat business not a one-off sale.

Step 7 - Review and Regroup

Once you have your overview, before you start to write, make sure there is a good reason to write your eBook. Ask yourself some questions:

* Does it give useful information and is that information relevant today?

* Will your eBook benefit your readers?

* Is your ebook interesting - will it keep you reader turning every page to see what comes next?

You also need to grab their attention early on and the best way to do this is to make them feel that you can answer their problems. After all, why did they buy the book? Make them feel they made the right decision and that you know what you are talking about.

Step 8 - Start Laying Out Your eBook

Next, write out chapter headings. You may or may not end up using chapters but it another part of the processing of breaking the job down into manageable steps to tackle one at a time. Breaking the job into smaller tasks (in this case chapters) will make it easier. It's also the way to expand on your overview and see if your chapters address everything. Check - is there something missing that you said you were going to cover?

Remember - step-by-step manageable pieces.

Writing an eBook is like any other form of writing - be it a letter, a user guide, a report etc - you must know who your target audience is and write to them. This will dictate things such as style, tone, diction, and even length of your eBook.

When it's complete, you could also use parts of each chapter to create an e-course as a way of promoting it.

Taking all the above into consideration, you could have your eBook finished in no time at all and ready to promote via your website. You could be well on the way to an Internet best-seller.

David and Dawn Robertshaw run a successful Home Business and have a series of internet marketing resources, ebook and tips sites all designed to make your online business succeed. They also have a Free 7-day course to help you get started packed with tips and resources. Check it out at:

Article Source:

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Writing and Walking - Beating Writer's Block

Writing and walking are a seemingly odd mix of topics for an article, but they go well together. Particularly if you write during breaks in your walk.

Writing Journals

Whether you are writing articles or the great American novel, you will inevitably suffer from writer’s block. A good way to defeat the block is to go for a walk or hike in a park or open local area. Walking gives you a chance to think through things, let your mind wander and clear out the riff raff.

As you walk, your subconscious will be working and kicking out ideas to get you going again. You don’t want to lose these ideas, which can be a problem when you are a few miles from home and your computer. Frankly, nothing is more frustrating than getting an idea and then losing the thread while you hustle home.

I primarily write information articles for web sites. Unlike a novel, the pure volume of articles is problematic. Coming up with hundreds of unique topics can be maddening, particularly if the subject matter is rather dry. Just imagine trying to write 100 articles on tax issues! One tends to end up staring at the wall for hours on end.

I come up with my best ideas while walking on the beach here in San Diego, California. While the beach and tax articles might seem an odd mix, the ghosts of IRS agents apparently congregate on the beach and ideas become plentiful. I’ve tried two methods of keeping track of ideas while walking.

I first tried taking a dictation machine with me, but it didn’t really work out. You would be surprised how loud the ocean is on the recording. I also found it difficult to pick up the thread again when I sat down to listen to my ramblings. Fortunately, writing journals turned out to be a better option.

An author friend of mine that publishes novels suggested taking a writing journal with me on the beach strolls. He apparently had great success working out plot twists for his novels while hiking around Palomar Mountain, a good hiking spot to the east of San Diego. I gave it a try and the rest is history.

I prefer writing journals to dictating for a few reasons. Initially, it is easier to just sit down wherever you are and write out an idea and story lines. I also find it easier to pick up the thread when I plop down in front of my computer to actually start writing.

Writer’s block is a problem for every writer, regardless of the type of writing. If you’re having problems with it, you might try going on a walk and taking a writing journal with you.

Rick Chapo is with - makers of blank journals. Visit us to read more about journal writing.

Submitted at: - The Premier Web Site Content Article Directory

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Niche marketing with ebooks

Niche marketing using ebooks can be something that is of a broad topic.
If you're an internet marketer,
you can be really successful if you know how to use the power of niche marketing.

How to be successful in niche marketing?
First of all, you got to do something that you like and feel comfortable doing.
And you need to have the expertise and experience in the field that you chose to specialise in.

Or else you will run out of resource faster that you would have expected.
You can also go for another option,
which is to invest an amount of money or time to get the content you need by getting someone to do it for you.

There are a few ways to do that:

a) Get a ghost writer's service.
This will require investment in the form of money from you.
But it definitely will worth very single cents that you spent.

b) Use articles from article directories.
There are plenty of article directories lying around waiting to serve you at no charge.
But then, make sure you pay attribute to the author by leaving a live link to
the article source and to a link that the author's website.

c) Read more materials that is related with the topic that you have chosen.
And come up with your own version of the article.
It won't be good idea to copy someone's idea wholly,
like "copy and paste" them on your own website and use it as if it's your own property.
It will get you into trouble if the author decides to take action against you.

Ebook pro 6.0

Do you need an Internet business idea? How about a NEW source
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start 10... 50... 100 original "mini" Internet businesses
selling something 1,000s of people are ALREADY begging for!

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But please note, the massive $50.00 discount and the $1,085.92
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Chee Kui

P.S. By the way, you can also learn a few key promotion secrets on
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two other promotion techniques that have been worth literally
HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars in sales.

P.P.S. This page ALSO features three case studies of people
making $151,000 to $1.2 MILLION per year using these
techniques. To read their stories, visit:

Thursday, May 11, 2006

How to Write a User-Friendly eBook

Right now, someone, somewhere will be embarking on the writing of an eBook. Why? Some do it to make some money; it’s one of the easiest ways to start an online business.

Others do it to share information they may have for those in similar financial, social or medical situations; maybe you want to share how you beat cancer or how you got out of debt.

Whatever your reason, there are some basic rules to consider that will make the final product more professional and. So, let look at some of them.

Anyone that embarks on writing an eBook will undoubtedly have read many as well. You will know from this that you must write in an appealing way that maintains the reader’s attention. After all, you want them to read ALL your eBook don’t you? Plus, you’ll want them to come back for more if you are building an online business.

There are many tricks you can use to keep your readers’ attention.

Anecdotes give practical examples of what you are trying to explain. These give readers confidence that what you are saying really does work. They are also a great way of explaining complicated topics.

Images are also a powerful tool. They can make topics clearer and they will stick in a reader’s mind longer than 5000 words of text. They also break the eBook up and give the reader “markers” to parts that interest them.

Note-boxes or sidebars are also good for summarizing a point or providing additional information. Like images, they break the text up and make the reading experience more enjoyable.

Write in a conversational style so the reader feels that you are talking just to them. This way they feel that they are the only one benefiting from your information and that makes it more valuable to them.

Don’t write long sentences or paragraphs. They become difficult to read and detract from the experience. Your eBook is more likely to be put down and not picked up again.

You should also change the length of your paragraphs and sentences so you don’t send your readers to sleep. Blocks of text that are all the same length will lose the reader’s attention and you’ll be lucky of they are awake by Page 10!

We mentioned earlier the use of images as a way of breaking up text. It may be that you can’t use images to any great extent; but there are other tricks.

A very powerful one is the use of numbered and bulleted lists. Even with the most basic of word-processing programs you can include different types of bullets and even use custom pictures as bullet icons. These make your topic easier for the reader to absorb and also to give them a mental break from blocks of text.

Finally, think about the design of your eBook. Select a font that's easy to read, and stick to it. You may be tempted to change fonts as a way of trying to make it more interesting. Don’t. All it does is confuse your readers and they will switch-off.

I recommend either one and a half or double line spacing. Spacing the lines too far apart make it difficult for the reader to track where they are. Too close makes it dull.

Also, choose a font size that is in proportion to the line spacing you are using. You can get away with a larger font (say 14 point) with 1.5 line spacing but 8 point will look weird. Experiment with different combinations to find one that suits you but remember - what looks OK on the screen may look dreadful in print. Think about how your readers are probably going to read the final eBook (most print PDF eBooks – the idea of the paperless world is myth!).

Lastly, add page numbers and a header to each page with the title of your eBook. I’ve lost count of the number of times I have been infuriated by the number of eBooks that don’t have page numbers. Also, adding a title in the header is a good way of reminding the reader what they are reading and who wrote it. Don’t overcrowd headers and footers but use them wisely to give branding to the eBook (your company name or web address if you sell online).

Most importantly, don't forget to do a proper spelling and grammar check. You can even go to somewhere like and get someone to proof read it for you (for a fee). It’s worth it to end up with a credible eBook.

Like it or not, you and your topic will be judged by the standard of spelling and punctuation. Don’t shortcut on quality for fear of some criticism. It’s better to find out before it is published.

That's it! By following the simple steps above you have just written your eBook. All that is left for you to do is publish it online and get visitors to your website so they can read it. But those topics are a whole new ball-game and best left for another day.

David Robertshaw run a successful Home Business and has a series of internet marketing resources, ebook and tips sites all designed to make your online business succeed. He also has a Free 7-day course to help you get started packed with tips and resources. Check it out at:

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